When Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) burst on to the scene a few years ago they provided a cost-effective, high throughput, modular and scalable way to revolutionise picking operations. 

The benefits are the same today – low-cost and quick set-up, reduced exposure to the labour shortage, and greater efficiencies – but did you know that AMRs from Geek+ Robotics have matured into a sophisticated full spectrum of solutions? 

These tackle warehouses processes including sortation, replenishment, cross-docking, high-density storage and more.

 This webinar will highlight the range of solutions and what they can do for your warehouse operations. 

 One example is the recently launched Sky-Storage & Ground-Pick solution, which combines ultra-high storage density to highly flexible picking. Four-way shuttles and P800 picking robots take advantage of vertical warehouse space without sacrificing picking speed.

 Another is how Geek+ AMRs simplify cross-docking operations, where whole pallets are received and directly put away and picked without unstacking.

 This is not just a hardware story. Geek+ Robotics robots are backed up with sophisticated AI-driven software that analyses and implements the right solution for you.

 With over 500 global industry leaders as customers, the AMR pioneer has the data needed to power AI-driven insights and the real-world experience to implement seamlessly.

 The robotic solutions can also be provided on a Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) basis to further help with affordability.

 In the webinar, Geek+ Robotics will show how AMRs accomplish more than picking, as well as answering questions.

All attendees will receive CPD Points.

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If you have any issues registering contact us on admin@westernbusiness.media or call on 01342 314 300 


Simon Duddy
Handling & Storage Solutions

Simon Houghton
Head of Sales and Marketing for UK and Ireland





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